Reliability Analysis Tools

Seamlessly assess historical and predictive reliability performance with PowerSolv DSAS RELIANT to establish baselines and foresee future outcomes, tailored for load growth and proposed reliability enhancement projects. 

✔️calculation of both customer-oriented and load-oriented reliability indices

✔️classification of events according to ERC specifications: Power Supplier, Scheduled, Major Storm Disaster, and All Others

✔️integration of Terminal Points to model load transfer, intentional islanding capabilities, and other complex restoration schemes

✔️integration of Distributed Generation to the network

✔️support for both feeder and subtransmission calculation

✔️handling of radial and weakly-meshed networks in its solutions

✔️smart and visual aggregation of reliability indices

✔️full inclusion of all updated DSAS Sanity Checkers

✔️easy extension of data requirements for DSAS DSL Segregator

✔️compatible with the latest ERC DSL Template used in ERC's ODRA

✔️built-in editing of data files

✔️quick and easy-to-use bulk run option for all simulations

✔️fast and simple management of simulation results

Request a demo of PowerSolv DSAS RELIANT

We look forward to showing you how DSAS RELIANT can help you effectively apply your skills and improve the quality of electric service you provide to your customers.

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