Data Sanity Checkers
Why does a Distribution Utility need a Data Sanity Checker?
In the process of data development of a Distribution Utility, there are various problems they encounter caused by many different reasons. Some common problems they encounter are the following:
1. Typographical errors caused by human error in encoding;
2. Inconsistencies in data between different sheets which are inter-related;
3. Errors in phasing, connectivity and radiality of data gathered;
4. Various values such as wire sizes which are not standard;
5. And many other more.
Due to these problems that Powersolv came up with programs called DATA SANITY CHECKERS to help assist the Distribution Utilities in correcting their gathered data. It does not only help them correct the data but the program makes it faster and more efficient for them.
What does the Powersolv Data Sanity Checker do?
The Powersolv Data Sanity Checkers enables Distribution Utility Engineers to check and ensure the integrity of their distribution system data. Originally, the Data Sanity Checkers were part of the PowerSolv DSAS Package: Distribution System Loss (“DSL”) Segregator. PowerSolv is now offering these Data Sanity Checkers separately in response to requests from DU engineers who wish to sanitize their data without purchasing additional licenses for the DSL Segregator.
What are the components of this product?
The product consists of 4 components which have distinct and important things to check in any given data:
TREE CONSTRUCTION - tests network topology for connectivity, connection logic, phasing logic, and radiality.
ENGINEERING ATTRIBUTES - tests each data if they are within the range of acceptable values and if mathematical models may be derived from these data.
FROM-TO CHANGER - organizes system data according to the direction of power flow, from source points to load points.
INTERSHEET CHECKER - verifies the completeness and consistency of data across worksheets.
Allowing the data to go through these 4 components of the Data Sanity Checker will assure the user that the data will run in the DSL Segregator without any problem/s.
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